Jeanne Ortiz-OrtizPro Bono & Strategic Initiatives Manager / Vice Director, Pro Bono Net and the American Bar Association YLD Disaster Legal Services Program
eanne coordinates, develops and grows state and national digital initiatives that strengthen the work of legal advocates and pro bono attorneys helping communities with their legal problems. She has over five years of experience organizing initiatives to support disaster survivors and attorneys working on disaster legal aid. Before joining Pro Bono Net, Jeanne provided free legal representation and employment discrimination litigation on behalf of low-income LGBT individuals in Puerto Rico. She also founded an award-winning Ms. JD chapter in her law school and facilitated workshops on reproductive and constitutional rights to communities in Puerto Rico. Jeanne is the Vice-Director of the American Bar Association Disaster Legal Services Program, where she helps coordinate immediate and free temporary legal help to disaster survivors across the country. She is also a member of the New York City Bar Association Pro Bono & Legal Services Committee. Jeanne is bilingual and admitted to practice law in the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and the State of New Jersey.