Natasha Vizcarra

Freelance Science Writer and Editor

Multiple publishers


Natasha Vizcarra a freelance science writer and editor focusing on Earth science, climate, conservation, and wildlife. Her work can be seen in Ka Pili Kai Magazine, Science Findings, Sensing Our Planet: NASA Earth Science News Features, and High Country News in the US, and Forests News and Landscape News published out of Indonesia and Germany respectively. Before moving to the US, Natasha worked as a beat reporter for the Philippine Daily Inquirer and eventually established and edited the newspaper’s award-winning news magazine for children. Natasha’s children’s books in the Philippines were awarded the Don Carlos Palanca Award for Literature and the Salanga Writers Prize. Her recent picture book, Spikeys, Prickles & Prongies: A Coronavirus Discovery Story, was published in 2021 by Tahanan Books for Young Readers. Her website is


Reaching Young Audiences: Breaking into science writing for children
October 13, 2022
1:00 – 2:00 PM
NASW Professional Development SessionPlatform: Zoom WebinarVideo AvailableVirtual
Rebecca E. Hirsch
Freelance Writer, Multiple publishers
Natasha Vizcarra
Freelance Science Writer and Editor, Multiple publishers
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Lenora Todaro
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