Sabrina Imbler

Staff Writer

Defector Media


Sabrina Imbler is currently a reporting fellow on the science and health desk of The New York Times. They love to write about the ocean and uncharismatic microfauna. They have received fellowships or scholarships from Tin House, the Asian American Writers’ Workshop and Jack Jones Literary Arts. Their essay collection about sea creatures, HOW FAR THE LIGHT REACHES, is forthcoming with Little, Brown in 2022.


Synecdoche and Science Writing
October 22, 2022
2:15 – 3:30 PM
Renasant Convention Center, Room 102-104
In PersonNASW Professional Development Session
Mara Grunbaum
Independent Science Journalist
Sabrina Imbler
Staff Writer, Defector Media
David Quammen
Organizer and Moderator