Yvonne M. Carroll

Director, Patient Services

St. Jude Children's Research Hospital


Yvonne M. Carroll joined St. Jude in 1999 and has held multiple positions in the Department of Hematology before accepting her current role in 2008. Her knowledge and expertise have had an immense impact on the care of individuals with sickle cell disease. Carroll has managed grant awards from the National Institutes of Health, the Department of Health and Human Services, and numerous foundations and pharmaceutical companies. Her work has had a global impact on the care of individuals with sickle cell disease, and she has managed projects locally, nationally, and internationally. She has been funded for sickle cell disease projects for more than 20 years. Her work on sickle cell has been published in Blood, the American Journal of Hematology, the Journal of Pediatric Nursing, the Journal of Pediatric Hematology Oncology, and other peer reviewed journals. She sits on several editorial and national boards including the National Black Nurses Association Sickle Cell Sub-Committee, the International Association of Sickle Cell Nurses and Professional Associates, and the Sickle Cell Community Consortium Executive Board. Carroll has been appointed and reappointed as a member of the Tennessee Governor’s Genetic Advisory Committee for more than 15 years, and has been involved in community based participatory research since the beginning of her career, and in 2021, was recognized by ALSAC, the fundraising organization for St. Jude, with the St. Jude Legacy Award for her lifetime work with the sickle cell community. Carroll graduated with a bachelor of nursing degree from the University of Tennessee and a law degree from the University of Cincinnati. She is a proud veteran of the U.S. Navy, Judge Advocate General Corps, and is a wife, mother, and grandmother.


Sickle Cell Anemia: Gene therapy advances, but access and interest challenges persist
October 23, 2022
1:45 – 3:00 PM
Renasant Convention Center, Room 112-114
CASW New Horizons in ScienceIn Person
Mitchell Weiss
Arthur Nienhuis Endowed Chair in Hematology, St. Jude Children's Research Hospital
Yvonne M. Carroll
Director, Patient Services, St. Jude Children's Research Hospital
April Ward-McGrory
Patient Advocate/Public Speaker, SCFT
Amber Dance
New Horizons Program Director, CASW