Aseem Ansari
R.J. Ulrich Endowed Chair
St. Jude Children's Research Hospital
Aseem Ansari is guiding St. Jude forward as a leader in the field of transcription-targeted therapeutics. His distinguished research achievements are complemented by a passion for collaboration and innovative training; he has founded several successful STEM training programs and created new forums for scientific exchange within, and beyond, the St. Jude community. From his graduate work at the interface of chemistry and biology at Northwestern to his postdoctoral training in gene regulation at Harvard and MIT to his lauded faculty role at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Ansari continues to broaden the boundaries of discovery in his role as chair of the Department of Chemical Biology and Therapeutics.
3:30 – 4:45 PM

R.J. Ulrich Endowed Chair, St. Jude Children's Research Hospital