Kevin Lennon

NCAA Senior Vice President of Policy and Governance

National Collegiate Athletics Association - NCAA


A nationally recognized leader in intercollegiate athletics with an emphasis on NCAA policy, governance and regulatory affairs,  Kevin Lennon is the NCAA senior vice president for policy and governance. With over 35 years of experience in intercollegiate athletics, Lennon most recently served as vice president of Division I governance and vice president of academic and membership affairs. He previously served as assistant commissioner of the Southwest Conference and worked at the University of Notre Dame.    Lennon serves as strategic advisor to the NCAA president and leads the development of key policy initiatives to advance the collegiate model of sport and improve the lives of student-athletes. He supports the work of the three divisional and Association-wide governance groups and serves as the primary liaison with the Knight Commission.  A 1984 Harvard graduate, Lennon earned a master’s degree from Ohio. He and wife Teresa are proud parents of Luke, Cal and Colleen and have two grandchildren, Reagan and Quinn.


Topical Session: Changes in College Athletics: What Presidents Should Know
November 18, 2024
11:30 AM – 12:20 PM
Rio Mar 7-8
Topical Session
Kevin Lennon
NCAA Senior Vice President of Policy and Governance, National Collegiate Athletics Association - NCAA
Andy Feinstein
President, University of Northern Colorado