Brian McCall


Texas State University System


Brian McCall, Ph.D., is chancellor of the Texas State University System, the first university system established in Texas, comprising seven institutions with more than 90,000 students and 16,000 faculty and staff. Dr. McCall served on the board of Legacy Texas Financial Group (NASDAQ: LTXB) and as chairman of Texas' Council of Public University Presidents and Chancellors (CPUPC), a position to which he was elected by the state's 38 public university presidents and six chancellors. McCall was president of Westminster Capital Corporation, an investment firm focused on acquisitions primarily in software and technology. He also operates Snow Hill Farm north of Dallas. McCall holds a bachelor’s degree from Baylor University, a master’s degree from Southern Methodist University, spent a year as a visiting post-graduate student at Oxford University, and earned a doctor of philosophy degree from The University of Texas at Dallas. McCall is the author of 'The Power of the Texas Governor: Connally to Bush,' published by University of Texas Press, which examines how various governors have overcome the institutional limitations of the office to achieve significant political power. A long-time civic and community volunteer, McCall was founder and chairman of the board of The Empowerment Project, a non-profit organization which has sent more than $10 million worth of math and science books to disadvantaged schools in the Republic of South Africa, and helped construct a library in Vietnam through the Libraries of Love organization. The Empowerment Project also raised more than $350,000 to provide direct support for the medical needs of children in north Texas. McCall is the recipient of the 2012 Distinguished Alumni Award from The University of Texas at Dallas. He is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Philosophical Society of Texas and is immediate past president of the Board of Trustees of ZACH Theater in Austin. In 2023, he was selected by his peers to serve as chair of the National Association of System Heads (NASH), which represents chief executives of the 65 public higher education systems in the United States.


Opening Plenary: Building Bridges: Uplifting Communities Through Collaboration
November 17, 2024
1:00 – 2:45 PM
Rio Mar 5-6
Ronald Rochon
Cal State Fullerton
Chuck Welch
President & CEO, AASCU
Mildred Garcia
California State University System
John King
Chancellor, The State University of New York
Brian McCall
Chancellor, Texas State University System