Denise Ford
Gifted Specialist
Kirkwood School District
Denise Ford has been an educator for over 40 years, working in elementary and secondary schools, with the earliest learners as a parent educator, with graduate students as an adjunct professor, as a K-12 gifted specialist, and a SENG model parent group discussion leader. She received her PhD in Teaching and Learning, writing her dissertation on stress and exercise with the gifted child, and recently earned a graduate certificate in Mind, Brain, and Learning.
Neurobiology of Play - Cognition of Joy
July 11, 2024
3:15 – 4:30 PM
3:15 – 4:30 PM
Bayview Ballroom
Parents and GrandparentsEducators

Denise Ford
Gifted Specialist, Kirkwood School District
Gifted Specialist, Kirkwood School District
Signature Panel: Charting New Horizons: Navigating the Seas of Giftedness, Creativity, and Talent
July 12, 2024
8:25 – 9:30 AM
8:25 – 9:30 AM
Islands Ballroom
Parents and GrandparentsGifted AdultsUnique PopulationsHomeschool FamiliesTwice ExceptionalEducatorsMental Health ProfessionalsResearchers

Paul Beljan
Owner, Beljan Psychological Services
Owner, Beljan Psychological Services

Denise Ford
Gifted Specialist, Kirkwood School District
Gifted Specialist, Kirkwood School District

Justin Gardner
Post-Doctoral Fellow, Beljan Psychological Services
Post-Doctoral Fellow, Beljan Psychological Services

Frank C. Worrell
Distinguished Professor, UC Berkeley
Distinguished Professor, UC Berkeley

Shaunne McKinley
Gifted Specialist, SENG
Gifted Specialist, SENG