Denise Ford

Gifted Specialist

Kirkwood School District


Denise Ford has been an educator for over 40 years, working in elementary and secondary schools, with the earliest learners as a parent educator, with graduate students as an adjunct professor, as a K-12 gifted specialist, and a SENG model parent group discussion leader. She received her PhD in Teaching and Learning, writing her dissertation on stress and exercise with the gifted child, and recently earned a graduate certificate in Mind, Brain, and Learning.


Neurobiology of Play - Cognition of Joy
July 11, 2024
3:15 – 4:30 PM
Bayview Ballroom
Parents and GrandparentsEducators
Denise Ford
Gifted Specialist, Kirkwood School District
Signature Panel: Charting New Horizons: Navigating the Seas of Giftedness, Creativity, and Talent
July 12, 2024
8:25 – 9:30 AM
Islands Ballroom
Parents and GrandparentsGifted AdultsUnique PopulationsHomeschool FamiliesTwice ExceptionalEducatorsMental Health ProfessionalsResearchers
Paul Beljan
Owner, Beljan Psychological Services
Denise Ford
Gifted Specialist, Kirkwood School District
Justin Gardner
Post-Doctoral Fellow, Beljan Psychological Services
Frank C. Worrell
Distinguished Professor, UC Berkeley
Shaunne McKinley
Gifted Specialist, SENG