Justin Gardner

Post-Doctoral Fellow

Beljan Psychological Services


Justin Gardner, PsyD is currently finishing his Post-Doctoral fellowship under the supervision of Paul Beljan, PsyD, ABPdN, ABN at Beljan Psychological Services in Scottsdale, Arizona. Dr. Gardner completed his doctorate in Clinical Psychology from Midwestern University in Glendale Arizona. He completed his internship at The Rochester Institute of Technology where he developed computational modeling approaches for diagnosing and predicting maximal treatment outcomes for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Autism Spectrum Disorder, and chronic pain. Dr. Gardner is passionate about conducting research. He has been invited to present at numerous local, national, and international conferences regarding his research into the use of artificial intelligence, computational modeling, and other algorithmic approaches to the diagnostic process of various neuropsychological disorders. Dr. Gardner has published several research articles in peer-reviewed journals on topics ranging from giftedness, math learning disorder, executive functioning, computational modeling, and artificial intelligence. First and foremost, Dr. Gardner is a clinician. He spends most of his time seeing patients at his offices in Scottsdale and Chandler, Arizona. Dr. Gardner specializes in providing neuropsychological evaluations and psychotherapy to children, adolescents, and adults with wide ranging backgrounds and mental health needs.


APA Pre Conference Morning Session
July 10, 2024
8:30 – 11:30 AM
Yerba Buena
EducatorsMental Health ProfessionalsResearchers
Paul Beljan
Owner, Beljan Psychological Services
Justin Gardner
Post-Doctoral Fellow, Beljan Psychological Services
APA Pre Conference Afternoon Session
July 10, 2024
12:30 – 3:30 PM
Yerba Buena
EducatorsMental Health ProfessionalsResearchers
Justin Gardner
Post-Doctoral Fellow, Beljan Psychological Services
Paul Beljan
Owner, Beljan Psychological Services
Signature Panel - Gifted Minds, Shared Journeys: Cultivating Lifelong Community for Exceptional Individuals
July 11, 2024
8:25 – 9:30 AM
Islands Ballroom
Parents and GrandparentsGifted AdultsUnique PopulationsHomeschool FamiliesTwice ExceptionalEducatorsMental Health ProfessionalsResearchers
Paul Beljan
Owner, Beljan Psychological Services
Justin Gardner
Post-Doctoral Fellow, Beljan Psychological Services
Julie Skolnick
Owner, With Understanding Comes Calm
Ciminy StClair
SENG Director
Denise Michele Hicks
Director, SENG Board of Directors
Signature Panel: Charting New Horizons: Navigating the Seas of Giftedness, Creativity, and Talent
July 12, 2024
8:25 – 9:30 AM
Islands Ballroom
Parents and GrandparentsGifted AdultsUnique PopulationsHomeschool FamiliesTwice ExceptionalEducatorsMental Health ProfessionalsResearchers
Paul Beljan
Owner, Beljan Psychological Services
Denise Ford
Gifted Specialist, Kirkwood School District
Justin Gardner
Post-Doctoral Fellow, Beljan Psychological Services
Frank C. Worrell
Distinguished Professor, UC Berkeley
Shaunne McKinley
Gifted Specialist, SENG