Darryl Mead


The Reward Foundation


Darryl Mead PhD is an expert on the internet and is Chair of The Reward Foundation. Darryl has been researching pornography health issues since 2015. He has authored nine papers on pornography, seven in collaboration with Mary Sharpe. Darryl worked in the public sector in culture in Scotland from 1993 till 2015. He was Deputy National Librarian in Scotland from 2013-2015. During that time he was appointed as a Digital Champion by the Scottish Government and was Scotland’s representative in creating the system the UK uses to archive the .uk domain from the Internet. His interests are in developing policy approaches to reduce harm from pornography consumption. His current research involves mapping the number of people using pornography around the world, tracking the spread of problematic pornography use and Compulsive sexual behaviour disorder, and the use of disinformation by the pornography industry.


Global Pornography Consumption: Monitoring Trends and Health Implications
August 6, 2024
2:20 – 2:45 PM
Columbia B
Darryl Mead
Chair, The Reward Foundation
A Short History of Pornography Industry Disinformation: The Case Study of Gary Wilson
August 7, 2024
11:45 AM – 12:15 PM
Congressional A
Advanced Issue Insights
Darryl Mead
Chair, The Reward Foundation