Annie McAdams
Annie McAdams, PC, Insurance and Injury Trial Lawyers
For her entire career, Annie McAdams has exclusively represented plaintiffs who have been victims of injury or harm due to the negligence or acts of others. After working for Steelman & McAdams for 10 years, she formed Annie McAdams PC on the premise of providing exceptional legal services to hard working people. Her practice focuses on representing those who have been survivors of human trafficking, killed or seriously injured in major trucking and motor vehicle accidents, by dangerous drugs and medical devices, or whose lives have been seriously disrupted or even destroyed by the bad faith conduct of an insurance company.
Justice Rising: Courtroom Battles Against Sex Trafficking Profiteers
August 7, 2024
10:45 AM – 12:15 PM
10:45 AM – 12:15 PM
Advanced Issue InsightsPolicy & AdvocacyLaw Enforcement

Christen Price
Senior Legal Counsel, NCOSE Law Center
Senior Legal Counsel, NCOSE Law Center

James R Marsh
Founder, Marsh Law Firm PLLC
Founder, Marsh Law Firm PLLC

Margaret Mabie
Partner, Marsh Law Firm
Partner, Marsh Law Firm

Annie McAdams
Founder, Annie McAdams, PC, Insurance and Injury Trial Lawyers
Founder, Annie McAdams, PC, Insurance and Injury Trial Lawyers

Linda Singer
Member, Motley Rice LLC
Member, Motley Rice LLC

Dani Pinter
Executive Director of the Law Center and Senior Legal Counsel, National Center on Sexual Exploitation
Executive Director of the Law Center and Senior Legal Counsel, National Center on Sexual Exploitation

Tori Hirsch
Legal Counsel, NCOSE
Legal Counsel, NCOSE