Joel Thayer
Digital Progress Institute
Joel Thayer is the President of the Digital Progress Institute. He has founded his own law firm, Thayer PLLC, and was previously an associate at Phillips Lytle. Before that, he served as Policy Counsel for ACT | The App Association, where he advised on legal and policy issues related to antitrust, telecommunications, privacy, cybersecurity and intellectual property in Washington, DC. His experience also includes working as legal clerk for FCC Chairman Ajit Pai and FTC Commissioner Maureen Ohlhausen and as a congressional staffer for the Hon. Lee Terry and the Hon. Mary Bono.
Digital Gatekeepers: Age-Verification Strategies for Kids' Safety and the Looming Showdown at the Supreme Court
August 6, 2024
1:15 – 2:45 PM
1:15 – 2:45 PM
Congressional A
Advanced Tech InsightsParent AdvocatesPolicy & Advocacy

Peter Gentala
National Center on Sexual Exploitation
National Center on Sexual Exploitation

Joel Thayer
President, Digital Progress Institute
President, Digital Progress Institute

Clare Morrell
Senior Policy Analyst, Ethics and Public Policy Center
Senior Policy Analyst, Ethics and Public Policy Center

Lisa Thompson
Vice President of Research, National Center on Sexual Exploitation
Vice President of Research, National Center on Sexual Exploitation