The official conference app for GHOST Day: Applied Machine Learning Conference

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Jobs Posted on the Whova Community Board of GHOST Day: Applied Machine Learning Conference

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Applied Scientist II
Our team undertakes research together with multiple organizations to advance the state-of-the-art in speech technologies. We not only work on giving Alexa, the ground-breaking service that powers Echo, her voice, but we also develop cutting-edge technologies with Amazon Studios, the provider of original content for Prime Video. Do you want to be part of the team developing the latest technology that impacts the customer experience of ground-breaking products? Then come join us and make history.

We are looking for a passionate, talented, and inventive Applied Scientist with a background in Machine Learning to help build industry-leading Speech and Language technology. Our mission is to push the envelope in Text-to-Speech (TTS) in order to provide the best-possible experience for our customers.

As an Applied Scientist at Amazon you will work with talented peers to develop novel algorithms and modelling techniques to drive the state of the art in speech and vocal arts synthesis.

Position Responsibilities:

Participate in the design, development, evaluation, deployment and updating of data-driven models for text-to-speech and digital vocal arts applications.
Participate in research activities including the application and evaluation of text-to-speech and digital vocal arts techniques for novel applications.
Research and implement novel ML and statistical approaches to add value to the business.
Mentor junior engineers and scientists.
Research Engineer - Machine Learning
Dlaczego miał(a)byś z nami pracować?

Pracując w zespole Machine Learning Research, będziesz odpowiadać za szukanie rozwiązań problemów badawczych które napotykamy w Allegro. Rozpoczynając pracę z nowym problemem, zgłębisz jego specyfikę oraz przeprowadzisz analizę literatury, szukając najbardziej obiecujących technik rozwiązania problemów

Będziesz odpowiadać za przygotowanie modeli do wdrożenia produkcyjnego, wspomagając zespół developerski. Twoją odpowiedzialnością będzie zagwarantowanie poprawnego funkcjonowania modelu na produkcji oraz wsparcie eksperckie
w zagadnieniach związanych z wydajnością proponowanych rozwiązań

Będziesz wspomagać inne zespoły w realizacji zadań wymagających stosowania modeli. Twoja pomoc będzie potrzebna zarówno na poziomie merytorycznym (np. jaka architektura modelu będzie odpowiednia dla domeny) jak i warsztatowym (budowanie zbiorów danych do modelowania, modelowanie, metryki, wdrażania rozwiązań opartych
o ML na produkcję)

Aby stosować rozwiązania state-of-the-art, będziesz na bieżąco
z obecnymi odkryciami naukowymi. Będziesz pogłębiać wiedzę czytając najnowsze publikacje naukowe ze swojej domeny, dzieląc się wiedzą
z innymi członkami zespołów badawczych działających w Allegro.

Będziesz uczestniczyć w konferencjach naukowych, odwiedzając miejsca, gdzie prezentowane są najnowsze odkrycia

Będziesz mieć możliwość opisania wyników swoich badań w publikacjach naukowych oraz udziału w konferencjach naukowych (wystąpienia ustne, sesje posterowe). Będziesz rozwijać zarówno swoją karierę naukową jak i zaznaczać obecność Allegro w świecie nauki

W swojej codziennej pracy będziesz poszerzać swoją wiedzę współpracując z ludźmi, którzy mają praktyczne doświadczenie we wdrażaniu modeli opartych o uczenie maszynowe na skalę niespotykaną nigdzie indziej w Polsce.

Lokalizacja: Warszawa, Kraków, Poznań, Toruń, Wrocław, Gdańsk, Katowice, Łódź, Lublin,
Research Engineer - Machine Learning (Ranking and Recommendations)
Why should you work at Allegro?

Being a part of Machine Learning Research team, you will be responsible for finding solutions to research problems that we encounter at Allegro with focus on providing the best search experience using state-of-the-art Learning to Rank methods.

While working on a new problem, you will explore it in depth and conduct literature review, looking for the most promising techniques for a given problem.

You will be responsible for the preparation of the production-grade machine learning models, supporting the development team. This will be your responsibility to deliver production-grade model with desired latency requirements.

To apply state-of-the-art solutions, you will stay up to date with the scientific progress. You will deepen your knowledge by reading the latest papers in your domain, sharing the knowledge with other team members of the research teams operating in Allegro.

You will have the possibility to share the results of your research in the scientific community by taking part in the scientific conferences (oral presentations, poster sessions). You will develop your scientific career, as well as Allegro's presence in the world of science.

In your daily work you will expand your knowledge by cooperating with people who have hands-on experience in implementation of the ML models at scale unprecedented anywhere else in Poland.

Location: Warszawa, Poznań, Kraków, Toruń, Wrocław, Gdańsk, Katowice, Łódź, Lublin
Research Engineer - Machine Learning (Computer Vision)
Why should you work at Allegro?

Being a part of Machine Learning Research team, you will be responsible for finding solutions to computer vision research problems that we encounter at Allegro (e.g. visual search, image classification, object detection).

While working on a new problem, you will explore it in depth and conduct literature review, looking for the most promising techniques for a given problem.

You will be responsible for the preparation of the production-grade machine learning models, supporting the development team. You will be responsible for a correctly functioning production model and meeting desired latency requirements.

To apply state-of-the-art solutions, you will stay up to date with the scientific progress. You will deepen your knowledge by reading the latest papers in your domain, sharing the knowledge with other team members of the research teams operating in Allegro. You will participate in scientific conferences, visiting places where the latest discoveries are presented.

You will have the possibility to share the results of your research in the scientific community, and by taking part in the scientific conferences (oral presentations, poster sessions). You will develop your scientific career, as well as Allegro's presence in the world of science.

In your daily work you will expand your knowledge by cooperating with people who have hands-on experience in implementation of the ML models at scale unprecedented anywhere else in Poland.
Research Engineer - Machine Learning (NLP)
Why should you work at Allegro?

Being a part of Machine Learning Research team, you will be responsible for finding solutions to research problems that we encounter with focus on analyzing and automating communication or improving the product-based experience for both buyers and sellers on Allegro.

While working on a new problem, you will explore it in depth and conduct literature review, looking for the most promising techniques for a given problem.

You will be responsible for the preparation of the production-grade machine learning models, supporting the development team. You will be responsible for a correctly functioning production model and meeting desired latency requirements.

To apply state-of-the-art solutions, you will stay up to date with the scientific progress. You will deepen your knowledge by reading the latest papers in your domain, sharing the knowledge with other team members of the research teams operating in Allegro.

You will have the possibility to share the results of your research in the scientific community by taking part in the scientific conferences (oral presentations, poster sessions). You will develop your scientific career, as well as Allegro's presence in the world of science.

In your daily work you will expand your knowledge by cooperating with people who have hands-on experience in implementation of the ML models at scale unprecedented anywhere else in Poland.
Research Engineer - Machine Learning (Machine Translation)
Why should you work at Allegro?

Being a part of Machine Learning Research team, you will be responsible for finding solutions to research problems that we encounter with focus on Neural Machine Translation.

You will work with a wide range of languages pairs and develop cutting-edge MT technology.

While working on a new problem, you will explore it in depth and conduct literature review, looking for the most promising techniques for a given problem.

You will be responsible for the preparation of the production-grade machine translation models, supporting the development team.

To apply state-of-the-art solutions, you will stay up to date with the scientific progress. You will deepen your knowledge by reading the latest papers in your domain, sharing the knowledge with other team members of the research teams operating in Allegro.

You will have the possibility to share the results of your research in the scientific community by taking part in the scientific conferences (oral presentations, poster sessions). You will develop your scientific career, as well as Allegro's presence in the world of science.

In your daily work you will expand your knowledge by cooperating with people who have hands-on experience in implementation of the ML models at scale unprecedented anywhere else in Poland.
Research Engineer - Machine Learning (Reinforcement Learning)
Why should you work at Allegro?

Being a part of Machine Learning Research team, you will be responsible for developing solutions in automated decision making (RL) for a range of problems that we encounter at Allegro.

While working on a new problem, you will explore it in depth and conduct literature review, looking for the most promising techniques for a given problem.

You will be responsible for the preparation of the production-grade machine learning models, supporting the development team. This will be your responsibility to deliver production grade model with desired latency requirements.

To apply state-of-the-art solutions, you will stay up to date with the scientific progress. You will deepen your knowledge by reading the latest papers in your domain, sharing the knowledge with other team members of the research teams operating in Allegro.

You will have the possibility to share the results of your research in the scientific community by taking part in the scientific conferences (oral presentations, poster sessions). You will develop your scientific career, as well as Allegro's presence in the world of science.

In your daily work you will expand your knowledge by cooperating with people who have hands-on experience in implementation of the ML models at scale unprecedented anywhere else in Poland.
Team Leader - Machine Learning Research
Why should you work at Allegro?

Being a part of Machine Learning Research team, you will be responsible for finding solutions to research problems that we encounter at Allegro
As a part of Machine Learning Research leadership team you will have real impact on how we organise ML cooperation, knowledge sharing and research initiatives.

While working on a new problem, you will explore it in depth and conduct literature review, looking for the most promising techniques for a given problem.

Your team will be responsible for the preparation of the production-grade machine learning models, supporting the development team. This will be your responsibility to deliver production grade model with desired latency requirements.

To make sure that your team applies state-of-the-art solutions, you will stay up to date with the scientific progress. You will deepen your knowledge by reading the latest papers in your domain, sharing the knowledge with other team members of the research teams operating in Allegro. You will participate in scientific conferences, visiting places where the latest discoveries are presented.

You will have the possibility to share the results of your research in the scientific community by community, and by taking part in the scientific conferences (oral presentations, poster sessions). You will develop your scientific career, as well as Allegro's presence in the world of science community.

In your daily work you will expand your knowledge by cooperating with people who have hands-on experience in implementation of the ML models at scale unprecedented anywhere else in Poland.
Team Leader - Machine Learning Research (NLP)
Why should you work at Allegro?

Being a part of the Machine Learning Research team, you will be responsible for finding solutions to research problems that we encounter at Allegro with focus on improving the product-based experience for both buyers and sellers on Allegro.

As a part of Machine Learning Research leadership team you will have real impact on how we organise ML cooperation, knowledge sharing and research initiatives.

While working on a new problem, you will explore it in depth and conduct literature review, looking for the most promising techniques for a given problem.

Your team will be responsible for the preparation of the production-grade machine learning models, supporting the development team. This will be your responsibility to deliver production grade model with desired latency requirements.

To make sure that your team applies state-of-the-art solutions, you will stay up to date with the scientific progress. You will deepen your knowledge by reading the latest papers in your domain, sharing the knowledge with other team members of the research teams operating in Allegro. You will participate in scientific conferences, visiting places where the latest discoveries are presented.

You will have the possibility to share the results of your research in the scientific community by community, and by taking part in the scientific conferences (oral presentations, poster sessions). You will develop your scientific career, as well as Allegro's presence in the world of science community.

In your daily work you will expand your knowledge by cooperating with people who have hands-on experience in implementation of the ML models at scale unprecedented anywhere else in Poland.
Intern - Data Engineer
Na czym będą polegały Twoje zadania w czasie Summer e-Xperience?

Będziesz pełnoprawnym członkiem zespołu, mentorowanym i współpracującym przy jednym (bądź wielu!) z projektów z bardziej doświadczonym Data Engineerem.

Wprowadzimy Cię w architekturę danych Allegro.

Wraz z zespołem będziesz tworzyć nowe funkcjonalności oraz rozwijać kod istniejących przetwarzań.

Nauczysz się testować swoje rozwiązania.

Wdrożysz zmianę na produkcję i nauczysz się udostępniać ją końcowym użytkownikom.

Poznasz świat danych w Allegro od kuchni.

Poznasz narzędzia niezbędne do codziennej pracy, takie jak: GitHub/Jira, ale również takie, które stworzyliśmy na własne potrzeby.
Intern - Data Analyst
Na czym będą polegały Twoje zadania w czasie Summer e-Xperience?

Przeanalizujesz duże zbiory danych (używając SQLa i/lub Pythona).

Będziesz pracować na zbiorach zasilanych przez kilkaset procesów przetwarzania danych.

Poznasz zachowania kupujących i sprzedających na Allegro.

Pomożesz wypracować nowe rozwiązania i sprawdzisz, jak wpływają one na klientów.

Będziesz dzielić się wnioskami ze swoich analiz z innymi zespołami.

Wykorzystasz umiejętności wizualizacji (Data Studio, Tableau).

Lokalizacja :Warszawa, Poznań, Kraków, Wrocław, Toruń, Gdańsk, Lublin, Łodź, Katowice,
Senior Data Scientist / Senior Data Engineer
Hi people! Our rapidly growing Data Team at Tractive is looking for a Senior Data Scientist and Senior Data Engineer, joining us in our headquarters in Linz, Austria. I

'm not gonna get into details of the offer as you have all the links but I can enumerate the benefits:
1. Office with Alpine view
2. Fresh Austrian air and location an 1.5h from serious mountain peaks
3. Regular cakes in the office :)

Here are the links to job-offers:
Senior Data Scientist:
Senior Data Engineer:

Feel free to drop me a line via the conference app or my e-mail.
~ Jedrzej Kopiszka
Data Science Intern
We are looking for a Data Science intern to join the AI Learning Capabilities team in Poznań.
The internship provides the opportunity to engage in cutting-edge research & development in a highly-collaborative environment.
You will prototype and implement data-driven educational products that will have an impact on millions of learners around the globe.

The opportunity for you:
Use state-of-the-art methods and tools from field of data science, machine learning, and cloud computing
Work in an international R&D environment and learn from experts with years of experience in the industry and the academia
Receive dedicated mentoring
Present the results of your work at meet-ups or conferences to build your professional brand
Supplement your on-the-job learning with formal learning (e.g. courses on O’Reilly Safari, A Cloud Guru, etc)
Contract of mandate (umowa zlecenie) with an hourly rate of 25-50 zł gross, initially for 3 months
If you & we are both happy with the co-operation after the initial 3 months, we will extend your internship contract for the long term, and we will include the possibility to work remotely. We'll also be willing to offer a permanent position (employment contract) after your graduation.

We encourage you to apply if:
You're open to learning new things
You're comfortable with balancing the uncertainty & ambiguity of research with the need for predictable & incremental software development
You know Python (including TensorFlow or PyTorch) and SQL
You're proficient in math, stats, and machine learning theory
You have solid communication skills, including proficient spoken & written English
You're a university student (with a formal student status)
You're available to work with us for a minimum of 25 hours a week

Contact us even if your background is in other areas than exact sciences but you are interested in working with data and algorithms in education.
Please send your CV to with "AILC Internship” in the subject

Join Summer Internship Program 2022!
Data Scientist with Computer Vision sp z o.o.
We are currently looking for a Data Scientist specializing in Computer Vision.
Software Engineer in Machine Learning sp z o.o.
We are looking for an ambitious Software Engineer who wants to pursue a career in machine learning.
Data Engineer sp z o.o.
We are looking for a talented Data Engineer to help with the development of data ingestion and processing pipelines in a complex search system.
AI Algorithm Engineer Intern in Audio, Voice and Speech Processing
We are looking for students of 2nd or 3rd of study to join our internship program. You will be working with a team of engineers developing advanced AI/ML-based audio, voice, and speech processing software aiming to drive new user interactions with computing devices. You will utilize current programming methodologies to translate machine learning models and data processing methods into software. You will complete programming, testing, debugging, documentation and/or deployment of audio libraries.

You will join Audio, Voice & Speech team within IPG Business Unit focused on building Smart Sound Technology for client devices:

Who are we looking for?

At Intel, our internships are usually around 12-24 months long, and you’ll be with us part-time alongside your university degree to support your educational and professional development at the same time. We ask that all applicants are current university students and will remain students during the length of our internship.
Intern in AI Software team
Habana Labs is a group at Intel that focuses on developing disruptive solutions that will shape the future of AI and Deep Learning computing. Led by top technologists and successful entrepreneurs, our vision is to take AI processing from its current limits to the peak of its potential. We see challenges as a tremendous opportunity, we are focused on execution and determined to make our vision come true. We are looking for exceptionally smart people who believe that AI will change the world and would like to join our exciting journey.

In this position you will work with an experienced software engineering team on developing software solutions based on deep learning frameworks and our proprietary software stack for hardware deep learning accelerators.

At Intel, our internships are usually around 12-24 months long, and you'll be with us part-time alongside your university degree to support your educational and professional development at the same time. We ask that all applicants are current university students and will remain students during the length of our internship


No professional experience is required, although fair C++/Python skills are needed to be successful at this role.
Also important for us:

Basic Knowledge of Machine Learning Frameworks

Knowledge of Linux operating system (admin skills not required)

Open mind and eagerness to learn and self-develop

Ability to work in a team and can-do attitude

Proficiency in English language spoken and written required
Graphics Software Development Intern in Machine Learning
Artificial Intelligence and Analytics Group at Intel in Gdansk is looking for a Software Engineering Intern who would like to contribute to Machine Learning algorithms and workloads development for Intel graphics products.
Learn more about our AI solutions that we contribute to here in Gdansk: and/or

As a Software Engineering Intern you will have an opportunity to develop low level kernels for Machine Learning algorithms using state-of-the-art programming and analyze Intel GPU performance applying complex measurement techniques. You will gain experience of the world best graphics technologies with focus on Machine Learning

Your responsibilities will include:
- Actively participating in all stages of software development life-cycle e.g. requirements definition, research, pre-silicon and post-silicon development
- Developing various Machine Learning features for Intel Graphics products
- Source code development, review and maintenance in C/C++
- ML workloads performance analysis and HW features validation

Who are we looking for?
At Intel, our internships are usually around 12-24 months long, and you’ll be with us part-time alongside your university degree to support your educational and professional development at the same time. We ask that all applicants are current university students and will remain students during the length of our internship.

In the current situation the internship will take place remotely, however due to the planned change to a hybrid mode of work at the end of the year we prefer that as an intern in a new team and environment you have the possibility to relocate to Gdańsk in the future.
Linux Driver Development Engineer (AI/IOT)
Intel VPU IP group (Intel Movidius) group is growing in Poland !

The VPU IP team provides state of the art hardware and software technology enabling intelligent cameras, edge servers, personal computers and AI-accelerated appliances.

It designs extremely power efficient silicon, accelerating deep neural networks and computer vision algorithms on intel devices.

Currently we are looking for highly motivated Software Engineers to support our objective of enabling integrated AI acceleration device on Linux platform(s).

This is one in a lifetime opportunity to join the team working on high-visibility and high-impact program, working in friendly, technically motivating environment.

Learn more about our products here:

Your responsibilities will include (but not be limited to):

- contribute to/ lead product design and architecture of Linux software stack for low power AI device

- support the device drivers Open Sourcing/upstreaming process

- collaborate with peer teams across the globe (mainly EU time zone) and external technical stakeholders to clearly understand business objectives, customer needs, and product requirements

- participate in all major stages of software development lifecycle, e.g. requirements definition, research, implementation, validation, post-release support activities
Data Science Team Lead
F-Secure / WithSecure
We are looking for the right person to join the team in our Artificial Intelligence Centre of Excellence (AICE). You'll be working on a unique set of data collected by our security software. Aim is to take the threat detection to the next level by adding artificial intelligence capabilities across F-Secure cyber security solutions. Not forgetting the many other interesting data-related problems, which need to be solved along the way.

The AICE team is comprised of experts in big data technologies, statistics, machine learning and data analysis, complemented with the strong foundation of cyber security inherent in the F-Secure DNA. Would you like to be the next Fellow to join the exceptional team?

Key responsibilities in this role:
Lead a team of highly skilled Data Scientists and help build the skills and capabilities of the team
Design and implement algorithms to solve complex problems
Work together with cyber security experts to find novel solutions to real life problems
Collaborate with stakeholders to deliver value to our customers

What we offer:
Possibility to put your analytical skills to real beneficial use - make a difference
Be a part of building the next level in cyber security utilizing data science - work as a part of a team dedicated to bringing artificial intelligence methods to practical use across the organization
Leadership role among like-minded and highly skilled experts and also learn from your colleagues

And of course, we offer a competitive salary and benefits including health care, life insurance, remote working, company supported sports activities, in-house training, English classes and extra budget for professional development (ex. conferences) and many more things to keep our best asset – people - happy!
AI Internships
Our AI team builds advanced deep learning-capable data processing devices for customers from various business sectors as well as participates in the world's leading edge AI projects aimed at developing the edge AI tooling ecosystem. Those initiatives often involve the largest stakeholders in the industry, e.g. Google, with whom we’ve been collaborating closely around the open source machine learning framework TensorFlow. By using innovative development methodologies the company stays at the forefront of the industry, while various partnerships allow our team members to become early adopters of the latest processing platforms from vendors such as NVIDIA, NXP or Xilinx.

As an intern you will actively contribute to R&D projects related to video processing, object detection and tracking, speech recognition, text analysis and more. You will research new machine learning methodologies. Your everyday work will involve Linux and other open source operating systems. You will be encouraged to work on smart and ambitious projects that will not just harness, but actively contribute to open standards and create scalable and reproducible solutions. You will be provided with all the necessary tools, from high-end gear and hardware to mentoring and team experience on every step of the way. Finally, your internship project will be published as open-source and made available to the community.
AI Software Validation Engineer
Intel Technology Poland Sp. z o.o.
Job Description
IOTG OpenVINO Developer Tools group is looking for a software validation engineer to join the team responsible for testing features of future deep learning platforms and appliances from the OpenVINO ecosystem. As a part of the team, you'll work with the newest software solutions based on Docker and Kubernetes utilizing AI HW developed in Intel. You will contribute to the validation of our products and integration with other tools from OpenVINO ecosystem, design test cases based on functional requirements and performance guidelines, work on products in the Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning domain, write code for automated tests, mainly in Python, and perform manual validation of the platform and documentation.Candidate profile: If you naturally tend to break things and see errors everywhere - it's a perfect qualification. Curiosity (the person that I saw in fast-food chain that checked how many burgers can be ordered via kiosk - we need you, please apply), creativity and attention to details are crucial part of this job. If you happen to also learn and grow from constructive criticism, aren't afraid to raise questions or concerns and are open to conversation, you are our perfect candidate.
AI Frameworks Engineer
Intel Technology Poland Sp. z o.o.
Job Description
Conducts design and development to build and optimize AI software. Designs, develops, and optimizes for AI frameworks (e.g., OpenVINO) and to contribute to external frameworks (e.g., TensorFlow, PyTorch). Implements various distributed algorithms such as model/data parallel frameworks, parameter servers, dataflow based asynchronous data communication in machine learning, and/or deep learning frameworks. Transforms computational graph representation of neural network model, and develops machine learning and/or deep learning primitives in mathematical libraries. Profiles distributed deep learning models to identify performance bottlenecks and proposes solutions across individual component teams. Optimizes code for various computing hardware backends, and interacts with machine learning and/or deep learning researchers, and utilizing experience with machine learning and/or deep learning frameworks.
Deep Learning Framework Software Engineering Manager
Intel Technology Poland Sp. z o.o.
Job Description
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is changing our lives and is present everywhere. We at Intel are a part of this AI revolution. Intel not only designs and manufactures the best CPUs and GPUs for AI, but also provides software stack to seamlessly integrate with customers' frameworks, that are used by millions of end users. See full story here

Software and Advanced Technology Group and Artificial Intelligence and Analytics (SATG AIA) organization mission is to lead in machine learning performance for both CPU and GPU to win customers in Machine Learning, Deep Learning and Data Analytics at scale. We closely collaborate with customers (Amazon, Baidu) to optimize OpenSource deep learning frameworks (MxNet, PaddlePaddle). See and for MxNet, and and for PaddlePaddle.

As our Deep Learning Framework Software Engineering team in Poland is growing, we are looking for an Engineering Manager who will be a part of broad Intel AI family and lead talented team of deep learning professionals to develop and deliver our customers high performance and quality Deep Learning solution.
Deep Learning Framework Software Validation Engineer
Intel Technology Poland Sp. z o.o.
Job Description
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is changing our lives and is present everywhere. We at Intel are a part of this AI revolution. Intel not only designs and manufactures the best CPUs and GPUs for AI, but also provides software stack to seamlessly integrate with customers' frameworks, that are used by millions of end users. See full story here

Software and Advanced Technology Group and Artificial Intelligence and Analytics (SATG AIA) organization mission is to lead in machine learning performance for both CPU and GPU to win customers in Machine Learning, Deep Learning and Data Analytics at scale. We closely collaborate with customers (Amazon, Baidu) to optimize OpenSource deep learning frameworks (MxNet, PaddlePaddle). See and for MxNet, and and for PaddlePaddle.

As our Deep Learning Framework Software Engineering team in Poland is growing, we are looking for a passionate Deep Learning Framework Software Validation Engineer who will be a part of broad Intel AI family and will help us to deliver our customers high performance and quality Deep Learning solution.
AI Software Validation Engineer
Intel Technology Poland Sp. z o.o.
Job Description
IOTG OpenVINO Developer Tools group is looking for a software validation engineer to join the team responsible for testing features of future deep learning platforms and appliances from the OpenVINO ecosystem. As a part of the team, you'll work with the newest software solutions based on Docker and Kubernetes utilizing AI HW developed in Intel. You will contribute to the validation of our products and integration with other tools from OpenVINO ecosystem, design test cases based on functional requirements and performance guidelines, work on products in the Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning domain, write code for automated tests, mainly in Python, and perform manual validation of the platform and documentation.Candidate profile: If you naturally tend to break things and see errors everywhere - it's a perfect qualification. Curiosity (the person that I saw in fast-food chain that checked how many burgers can be ordered via kiosk - we need you, please apply), creativity and attention to details are crucial part of this job. If you happen to also learn and grow from constructive criticism, aren't afraid to raise questions or concerns and are open to conversation, you are our perfect candidate.
AI Software Solutions Engineer
Intel Technology Poland Sp. z o.o.
Job Description
Habana Labs is a group at Intel that focuses on developing disruptive solutions that will shape the future of AI and Deep Learning computing. Led by top technologists and successful entrepreneurs, our vision is to take AI processing from its current limits to the peak of its potential. We see challenges as a tremendous opportunity, we are focused on execution and determined to make our vision come true. We are looking for exceptionally smart people who believe that AI will change the world and would like to join our exciting journey.
AI Software Engineer
Intel Technology Poland Sp. z o.o.
Job Description
AI is one of the fastest-growing areas. We can find AI everywhere; it surrounds us during many everyday routines. At Intel, we are putting special attention to grow in this area and to be a leader in AI solutions. Our business unit is one of the leaders who deliver AI sound solutions to great clients all over the world. By joining our team you'll work in area of development of OpenVINO tools to compile Neural Networks model as outcomes from Machine Learning frameworks (e.g.: TensorFlow) to make them compatible with the Intel GNA (Gaussian Neural Accelerator)
AI Hyperscaler Performance Engineer
Intel Technology Poland Sp. z o.o.
Job Description
Come join us :) Our Cloud and Enterprise Solutions Group (CESG) Software Center of Excellence team is looking for software performance/optimization engineers to work with our largest hyperscaler cloud service provider customers. As an AI Hyperscaler Performance Engineer, you analyze the customers' AI workloads and optimize their frameworks, inference engines, primitive libraries, and/or graph compilers to improve their workloads' performance. To be successful in this role it is essential that you have extensive experience analyzing and optimizing code, executing deep learning models, and communicating complex solutions. The ideal candidate will demonstrate the following skills in addition to the qualifications listed below.- Identify and resolve performance bottlenecks- Effective use of the hardware's memory hierarchy, registers, and ISA- Excellent verbal and written communication skillsIn this growth position you will gain invaluable experience working with some of the brightest AI System's minds; both in the industry and within Intel. You will have the opportunity to work across the entire AI software system stack from ISA, to primitive optimizations, to graph-level optimizations, and to the AI cloud services. Your work, which will be used at scale by millions of end users, will have tremendous impact to the industry and Intel growth. CESG is part of the global Data Center and AI organization that develops the products and technologies that power 9 of every 10 servers sold worldwide. This includes high-end co-processors for supercomputers, low-energy systems for enterprise and the cloud, and solutions for big data and intelligent devices.
AI Test Development Engineer
Intel Technology Poland Sp. z o.o.
Job Description
Habana Labs is a group at Intel that focuses on developing disruptive solutions that will shape the future of AI and Deep Learning computing. Led by top technologists and successful entrepreneurs, our vision is to take AI processing from its current limits to the peak of its potential. We see challenges as a tremendous opportunity, we are focused on execution and determined to make our vision come true. We are looking for exceptionally smart people who believe that AI will change the world and would like to join our exciting journey.

As part of your role you will

Work with internal engineering teams and external partners, customers, and ISVs to deliver optimized AI solutions using Intel products with the goal of driving adoption of Intel products
Researche technical trends and utilizes deep domain and market segment expertise to prototype solutions and develop AI software including open source libraries and models
Optimize performance of AI models through deep knowledge and expertise of AI frameworks, algorithms, models, and related hardware
Researche, develop, and adjust new or existing AI models, code, parameters, and/or quantization to address issues and modify operations to enhance performance
Partner with AI algorithm and framework engineers as needed to optimize endtoend AI models to Intel hardware features
Serve as a trusted technical advisor and provides technical enabling.
Partner with Intel software and hardware product development teams to accelerate and optimize future products in AI and HPC domains by leading application preenabling and product hardening
Deliver competitive and differentiated benchmark collateral and identify and drive key workloads into product requirements and architect innovative projection methodologies and tools
Machine Learning Engineer
Intel Technology Poland Sp. z o.o.
Job Description
Builds machine learning workflows and infrastructure necessary to productize AI models and sustain them in production. Responsible for preparing data for ML models at scale, building appropriate inference interfaces for ML model consumption, enabling ML Ops for continuous delivery and automation of ML pipelines, and/or building and sustaining AI productization platforms.
AI/ML Application Engineer
Intel Technology Poland Sp. z o.o.
We are looking for smart people who believe that AI will change the world and would like to join us on our exciting journey.

Are you passionate about solving problems, interacting with customers and working on new applications and products? If yes, come and join our Applications Engineering team. We are looking for a hands-on Software Engineer with a good knowledge of C++ and Python.

You may want to check out our website
AI Manager oneDNN CPU
Intel Technology Poland Sp. z o.o.
Job Description
Intel Machine Learning Performance (MLP) team is looking for a Software Engineering Manager in oneDNN, a complex multi-geo open source software project focusing on deep neural networks performance. oneDNN is a critical and highly visible component of Intel AI strategy powering key AI applications including Tensorflow, Pytorch, ONNX Runtime, and more. In this role you will lead a team responsible for development and performance optimizations of a subset of oneDNN functionality for Intel server and client processors. You will be working with oneDNN staff and customers to define plans for your component and deliver features and performance optimizations for current and future generations of Intel processors. You will also be responsible for hiring, retaining, and developing engineering talent.
Senior Applied Scientist - Deep Learning
Our team undertakes research together with multiple organizations to advance the state-of-the-art in speech technologies. We not only work on giving Alexa, the ground-breaking service that powers Echo, her voice, but we also develop cutting-edge technologies with Amazon Studios, the provider of original content for Prime Video. Do you want to be part of the team developing the latest technology that impacts the customer experience of ground-breaking products? Then come join us and make history.
Data Scientist - Ring team in Amazon
Ring is looking for an insightful and analytical Data Scientist with strong business and technical skills to join our growing team. In this role, you will work with various executive, product management, engineering, quality assurance, finance, sales and marketing teams that support Ring. Your work will be be highly visible to Ring leadership, and will drive key goals.

You will develop advanced models and tools, conduct statistical analyses, and create tailored machine learning models. You will be structuring ambiguous problems and designing analytics across various disciplines, resulting in actionable recommendations ranging from strategic planning, product strategy/launches, and engineering improvements to marketing campaign optimization.
Applied Scientist - Deep Learning
Our team undertakes research together with multiple organizations to advance the state-of-the-art in speech technologies. We not only work on giving Alexa, the ground-breaking service that powers Echo, her voice, but we also develop cutting-edge technologies with Amazon Studios, the provider of original content for Prime Video. Do you want to be part of the team developing the latest technology that impacts the customer experience of ground-breaking products? Then come join us and make history.

We are looking for a passionate, talented, and inventive Applied Scientist with a background in Machine Learning, to help build industry-leading Speech and Language technology. Our mission is to push the envelope in Text-to-Speech (TTS) in order to provide the best-possible experience for our customers.

As an Applied Scientist at Amazon you will work with talented peers to develop novel algorithms and modelling techniques to drive the state of the art in speech synthesis.

Position Responsibilities:
· Participate and lead the design, development, evaluation, deployment and updating of data-driven models for text-to-speech applications.
· Participate in research activities including the application and evaluation of text-to-speech techniques for novel applications.
· Research and implement novel ML and statistical approaches to add value to the business.
· Mentor junior engineers and scientists.
Senior Data Scientist
Pracując z nami będziesz zaangażowany w innowacyjne projekty osadzone w branży Odnawialnych Źródeł Energii, gdzie dane na temat predykcji wytwarzania oraz konsumpcji energii, stanowią podstawę do zaoferowania naszym klientom kompleksowej obsługi w ramach Wirtualnej Elektrowni Lerta. Tym samym, poprzez realizację nowatorskich projektów oraz własnych inicjatyw, będziesz miał realny wpływ na propagację OZE oraz zwiększenie udziału zielonej energii w globalnym systemie energetycznym.

Będziesz odpowiedzialny/a za:
analizę i przetwarzanie danych pomiarowych m. in. dotyczących produkcji energii elektrycznej z OZE
pracę nad algorytmami i modelami predykcyjnymi dla serii czasowych danych dot. produkcji jaki i konsumpcji energii z OZE jako narzędzie wsparcia na rynku obrotu energią
opracowanie i rozwój algorytmów wykrywania anomalii w produkcji energii z OZE
automatyczną kategoryzację obiektów na podstawie danych
wytyczanie kierunków prac dla zespołu Data Science

Idealnie, jeśli posiadasz:
bardzo dobrą znajomość języka Python v3
5-letnie doświadczenie jako Data Scientist, Machine Learning Engineer, AI
doświadczenie w pracy z szeregami czasowymi
bardzo dobra znajomość statystyki
doświadczenie w pracy z MLOps
znajomość zagadnień związanych z głębokimi sieciami neuronowymi: Tensorflow/Keras lub Pytorch,
znajomość metod z zakresu klasycznego uczenia maszynowego, m. in.: scikit-learn, numpy, pandas
znajomość języka angielskiego w stopniu komunikatywnym

Mile widziane:
Influx DB
mile widziane doświadczenie w rozwiązywaniu zagadnień optymalizacji (Optimization)
[Digital health / Autonomous anatomy segmentation] Intern in ML/AI team
We are Surgalign, a global medical technology company committed to the promise of digital health. We are investing to be a leader in developing and harnessing the incredible possibilities of digital surgery to redefine the very idea of “personalized medicine.”

We began operating as Surgalign in July 2020, but with a legacy of clinically validated surgical device and biologic innovation stretching back 30 years. We are dedicated to advancing care and elevating outcomes. Surgalign markets products in the United States and in more than 50 countries globally.
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