In the ever-evolving world of conferences, events, and academic institutions, the management of abstracts is a pivotal factor for success. Abstract management software, a game-changing tool, emerges as a crucial element, enabling the smooth organization of submissions, reviews, and communications.

This article aims to delve into the essence of abstract management systems, underlining their importance and guiding event organizers and academic institutions in choosing the most suitable software. By spotlighting 15 key features, we aim to equip you with the knowledge to make informed decisions and enhance the quality of their events.

What is an Abstract Management System?

An abstract management system is specialized software designed to streamline the submission, review, and selection process for presentations, papers, and proposals. It acts as a centralized platform, allowing organizers to efficiently manage the influx of abstracts, assign reviewers, and communicate effectively with authors. This digital infrastructure revolutionizes event planning by providing organizers with tools to navigate the complexities of abstract management with ease and efficiency.

Importance of Abstract Management in Conferences, Events, and Academic Institutions

Abstract management is not just a process, it’s a catalyst for conferences, events, and academic institutions. It is the key to orchestrating engaging and impactful gatherings, facilitating the efficient handling of submissions, ensuring fair and thorough peer review, and enhancing communication among stakeholders. By harnessing the power of abstract management software, organizers can streamline processes, maintain data security, and ultimately enhance the quality and success of their events, fostering a culture of collaboration, innovation, and knowledge exchange.

The primary purpose of this blog is to elucidate the crucial features that distinguish exceptional abstract management software. By delineating these features, we aim to empower event organizers and academic institutions to make informed decisions when selecting a platform to manage their abstracts. From user interface and submission management to peer review processes, customization options, data security, and integration capabilities, we will explore 15 essential features integral to abstract management software’s success.

1. User Interface and Experience:

  • Intuitive Dashboard: A user-friendly dashboard acts as a welcoming foyer, effortlessly guiding both organizers and participants through the platform’s functionalities.
  • Customizable Templates for Abstract Submission Forms: Tailored submission forms act like personalized invitations, ensuring authors can easily convey their ideas while adhering to event guidelines.
  • Easy Navigation and User-Friendly Interface: Simplified navigation functions as smooth pathways, allowing users to explore the platform, minimizing confusion, and maximizing engagement efficiently.

2. Abstract Submission Management:

  • Online Submission Portal: The centralized online portal should welcome submissions from researchers worldwide. 
  • Submission Deadline Management and Reminders: Automated reminders function as friendly reminders, gently nudging authors toward timely completion, ensuring no submission is left behind.
  • Submitter Can Edit Proposal After Submission: Allowing submitters to edit their proposals acts as an open dialogue, fostering collaboration and ensuring accuracy throughout the submission process.
  • Waitlist: The waitlist feature serves as the organized queue, efficiently managing submissions and ensuring fair consideration for all proposals, regardless of submission timing.

3. Peer Review Process:

  • Assignment and Tracking of Reviewers: Efficient assignment and tracking of reviewers act as the well-coordinated team, ensuring timely and thorough evaluations.
  • Reassign Reviewers: The flexibility to reassign reviewers is an adaptable strategy that allows organizers to optimize reviewer assignments for the best possible outcomes.
  • Reviewer Rating and Commenting System: Robust feedback mechanisms function as constructive dialogue, empowering reviewers to provide valuable insights and guidance to authors.
  • Multi-Criteria Rubric: Standardized evaluation criteria act as the fair judge, ensuring consistency and fairness in the review process, regardless of individual reviewer preferences.
  • Double-blind review: Anonymized review processes serve as impartial referees, maintaining objectivity and integrity by preventing biases based on reviewer and submitter identities.

4. Collaboration and Communication Tools:

  • Messaging System for Authors and Reviewers: Seamless communication channels function as virtual meeting rooms, facilitating collaboration and addressing queries promptly to foster a sense of community.
  • Real-Time Notifications and Updates: Instant notifications act as timely announcements, keeping stakeholders informed about submission status, reviews, and updates to maintain engagement and transparency.

5. Customization and Flexibility:

  • Customizable Criteria for Abstract Evaluation: Tailoring evaluation criteria acts as the personalized roadmap, allowing organizers to align assessments with event objectives and ensure that submissions are evaluated based on relevance.
  • Flexible Review Workflow Configuration: Adaptable workflows function as the customizable toolkit, accommodating diverse review processes and preferences to suit each event’s unique needs.
  • Branding and Theme Customization Options: Personalized branding serves as the event’s signature, enhancing recognition and fostering a sense of belonging among participants.
  • Multiple Submissions per Person: Allowing multiple submissions is an open invitation, encouraging broader participation and enabling authors to showcase their diverse contributions.

6. Data Security and Privacy:

  • Secure Data Encryption: Encryption protocols function as the protective shield, safeguarding sensitive information from unauthorized access or breaches to ensure user privacy and confidentiality.
  • Role-Based Access Control: Granular access controls act as the security gatekeepers, allowing organizers to manage data access based on user roles and permissions to maintain data integrity.
  • GDPR Compliance for Data Protection: Compliance with data protection regulations demonstrates a commitment to privacy, ensuring that user data is handled in accordance with legal requirements to build trust and confidence among participants.

7. Reporting and Analytics:

  • Comprehensive Reporting Dashboard: Robust reporting tools act as the insightful observatory, offering valuable insights into submission metrics, reviewer activities, and event performance to inform decision-making and strategy development.
  • Data Visualization Tools for Insights: Visual representations are the illuminating spotlight, making complex data accessible and understandable, facilitating data interpretation, and driving actionable insights.
  • Exportable Data Formats for Further Analysis: Export options are versatile tools that enable organizers to extract and analyze data for deeper insights and integration with external systems or tools.

8. Integration Capabilities:

  • Compatibility with Registration and Payment Systems: Seamless integration acts as the cohesive bridge, ensuring smooth data flow between abstract management and registration/payment systems, simplifying the participant experience, and streamlining administrative tasks.
  • Seamless Integration with Conference Management Software: Integration with conference management systems functions as the synchronized orchestra, facilitating seamless coordination of event logistics, schedules, and attendee information for a cohesive and well-organized event experience.

9. Technical Support and Training:

  • Dedicated Customer Support Channels: Responsive support channels serve as the reliable lifeline, providing timely assistance and troubleshooting for users to promptly address any issues or concerns.
  • Online Knowledge Base and Tutorials: Resource libraries and tutorials act as self-service hubs, empowering users to find answers and solutions independently and enhancing user autonomy and satisfaction.
  • Training Sessions for Administrators and Users: Training programs serve as educational workshops, equipping administrators and users with the necessary skills and knowledge to maximize software utilization and optimize workflow efficiency.

10. Scalability and Performance:

  • Ability to Handle Large Volumes of Submissions: Scalable infrastructure is the flexible foundation, accommodating increasing submission volumes without compromising system performance or responsiveness.
  • High Performance and Reliability: Stable performance is the dependable backbone, ensuring uninterrupted access and functionality even during peak usage periods and enhancing user satisfaction and trust.
  • Scalable Infrastructure for Growing Needs: Scalability features act as the adaptable framework, allowing the system to grow and evolve alongside the event’s requirements and organizational expansion, ensuring long-term viability and sustainability.

11. Accessibility and Multilingual Support:

  • Accessibility Compliance for Users with Disabilities: Accessibility features act as the inclusive gateway, ensuring users can navigate and interact with the platform effectively, promoting equal access and participation.
  • Multilingual Interface and Support for International Users: Multilingual support is a welcoming embrace, accommodating users from diverse linguistic backgrounds, facilitating participation from a global audience, and fostering inclusivity and diversity.

12. Social Media Integration:

  • Integration with Social Media Platforms for Promotion and Engagement: Seamless integration with social media platforms serves as the amplifying megaphone, extending the event’s reach and visibility, attracting more participants, and fostering community engagement.
  • Automated Posting of Updates and Announcements: Automated posting features act as efficient messengers, ensuring timely dissemination of event updates and announcements across social media channels and keeping participants informed and engaged.
  • Social Sharing Features for Abstracts and Conference Information: Shareable links and social sharing options act as the viral catalyst, enabling participants to easily share abstracts and event information with their networks, increasing exposure and promoting participation.

13. Automatic Web Page Generation for Sessions:

  • Streamlined Session Management: Automatic web page generation simplifies session management by dynamically creating dedicated web pages for each session based on the submitted abstracts and session details.
  • Efficient Agenda Creation: Organizers can effortlessly compile session information, including titles, descriptions, speakers, and timings, into an organized agenda format, eliminating manual webpage creation tasks.
  • Real-time Updates: Any changes or updates to session details are automatically reflected on the corresponding web pages, ensuring that participants can access the most accurate and up-to-date information.
  • Enhanced Participant Experience: Participants benefit from a user-friendly interface where they can easily browse session details, access abstracts, and plan their event itinerary, improving their overall experience.

14. Effortless Speaker Information Collection:

  • Customizable Speaker Profiles: Organizers can easily collect comprehensive speaker information, including bios, affiliations, and photos, through customizable speaker profile forms tailored to specific event requirements.
  • Automated Data Collection: Speaker information is automatically captured and organized within the abstract management system, eliminating the need for manual data entry and reducing administrative overhead.
  • Seamless Integration: Collected speaker information seamlessly integrates with session details, enabling organizers to associate speakers with their respective sessions and streamline event scheduling and coordination.

15. PDF Upload:

  • Versatile Content Submission: PDF upload functionality allows contributors to submit their abstracts in a standardized format, accommodating various document types and ensuring compatibility with different writing and formatting styles.
  • Convenience and Flexibility: Authors can easily upload their abstracts directly from their devices, providing a convenient and flexible submission process that fits seamlessly into their workflow.
  • Preservation of Formatting: PDF uploads preserve the original formatting of the abstracts, including fonts, images, and layout, ensuring that the submitted content maintains its intended presentation and visual clarity.


Selecting the right abstract management software is paramount to the success of conferences, events, and academic gatherings. By prioritizing essential features such as user interface, submission management, peer review processes, collaboration tools, customization options, data security, integration capabilities, technical support, scalability, accessibility, and social media integration, organizers can streamline operations and elevate the overall event experience. 

For a comprehensive solution that encompasses all these vital features and more, consider exploring Whova’s abstract management platform. Empower your event management endeavors with Whova and unlock endless possibilities for success.

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