Dryfta is a well-known abstract management system for academic events and conferences. It lets you collect abstract submissions, assign reviewers, and make acceptance decisions. But it may not be the best solution in the category. 

If you’re struggling with Dryfta’s inadequate customization features and lack of support, we’ve got you covered. 

Here are 8 Dryfta alternatives for abstract management to help you find the perfect fit. 

8 Best Dryfta Alternatives for Abstract Management

1. Whova Call for Speakers

G2 rating: 4.8/5

Whova’s abstract management, otherwise known as Call for Speakers, lets you control the entire event journey, from collecting submissions to final agenda publication. It has been among G2’s Top 50 Software Companies for 4 years in a row.

The submission website is slick and professional. You can customize the submission form to fit the specific needs of your event, making sure you get all the necessary info.

With automated emails, you can effortlessly send out invitations, confirmations, and notifications, keeping everyone in the loop without lifting a finger. Plus, the security features like login and 2FA ensure that your submissions and reviews stay safe.

Once your abstracts are accepted, Whova seamlessly integrates them into your event app and webpage. They’re turned into sessions, complete with speaker information automatically collected and added. 

2. Cvent Abstract Management

G2 rating: 4.3/5

Cvent’s Abstract Management Software is a powerful alternative to Dryfta which offers efficient Call for Papers processes. You can customize your submission form to gather the necessary information effortlessly. Automated emails streamline communication, ensuring smooth submission processes from any device.

Cvent lets you assign submissions to reviewers based on their expertise, track scores and comments in real-time, and keep the review process organized and collaborative. The reviewers can approve or decline submissions and notify authors promptly with automated emails. Once selections are made, you can integrate them into your event agenda and open sessions for attendee registration. 

For teams seeking various features or different pricing models, exploring alternatives to Cvent could offer valuable insights.

3. Oxford Abstracts

Capterra Rating: 4.9/5 (Not rated on G2)

Another competitor of Dryfta, Oxford Abstracts simplifies the abstract management journey with its user-friendly platform. You can set up and manage your event with unlimited submissions, from a few to thousands, at no extra cost. Customizable forms cater to your specific needs and ensure easy submission, review, and decision-making processes.

Oxford abstracts help you stay organized with a multi-view table to access necessary data and keep your event on track. 

You can download standard and custom abstract books and reports in real-time, and flexibly group abstracts for panels, workshops, and roundtables.

4. All Academic Inc

(No ratings on G2)

All Academic Inc is a comprehensive alternative to Dryfta that caters to the needs of meeting managers, conference attendees, proposal submitters, and researchers alike. 

Specializing in online solutions for abstract submissions, session management, and conference organization, All Academic provides a range of features including abstract management, peer review, scheduling tools, report generation, and final program documents.

Conference attendees and proposal submitters can easily access submission and program sites hosted by All Academic. For researchers seeking cutting-edge research, All Academic provides access to free abstracts and downloadable PDF paper files from scholarly conferences worldwide. 

5. Confex Abstract Management

(No ratings on G2)

Confex, or Conference Exchange has over 25 years of experience handling hundreds of thousands of abstracts annually across various conferences. 

With its online abstract submission system, Confex offers high capacity, reliably managing scientific abstracts with special characters, graphics, and more. Fully customizable submission forms ensure the collection of all required information, enforcing conformance with submission requirements. 

Confex also excels in collecting a wide range of file types, from abstracts to multimedia files, and offers integrated on-site file management during meetings. 

Integration with Association Management Systems streamlines the submission process, enhances user experience, and increases overall submission volume.

6. Open Water

G2 Rating: 4.4/5

Open Water Abstract Management is an award-winning alternative to Dryfta that simplifies the entire event planning process with its robust and flexible features. It lets you collect proposals, review submissions, organize sessions, and manage speakers all in one user-friendly interface. 

Trusted by industry leaders worldwide, Open Water platform is designed for academic-oriented conferences. 

With features like multi round review, session builder, public calendar, and mobile app, Open Water ensures a stress-free experience for conference organizers and attendees alike. 

7. MeetingHand

G2 Rating: 4.7/5

Meeting Hand is a purpose-built abstract management software for academic organizers. It streamlines the entire process of collecting, reviewing, scheduling, and publishing submissions for academic events of any scale or complexity. 

With flexible forms gathering crucial author information, customizable workflows, robust analytics, and end-to-end automation, you can ensure the success of your conference.

MeetingHand also allows organizers to easily customize submission forms, automate styling and formatting, and sync content across event agendas and webpages. 

8. Attendee Interactive 

(No ratings on G2)

The final alternative to Dryfta in our list is Attendee Interactive session and abstract submission platform. It lets you collect, review, and organize submissions through one intuitive portal. 

Their platform has a user-friendly interface for collecting submissions that allows organizers to set specific requirements and gather necessary information during the application stage. 

Attendee Interactive also empowers reviewers with dedicated portals and collaboration tools to ease the review process and keep everyone organized. Finally, the platform offers insightful reporting that integrates with other software to give organizers a clear picture of complex data and help informed decision-making. 

Best Dryfta Alternatives for Abstract Management

Dryfta is a solid abstract management solution, but it may not be the best fit for everyone.The eight Dryfta competitors for abstract management explored in this article offer various features and functionalities to ensure a great experience for organizers, reviewers, and participants alike.

If you’re looking for more customization options, improved reviewer collaboration tools, or in-depth reporting features, then consider exploring Whova, the top Dryfta alternative for abstract management. 

Ready to see Whova in action? Request a free live demo today.

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