March 22, 2024

To leave a lasting impact on your event, it’s essential to captivate your attendees with memorable activities and experiences. One easy way to achieve this is through gamification. In fact, according to our Event Insider session, 75% of organizers have implemented gamification in past events.

If you want to gamify your event, it shouldn’t have to consume hours of your time, especially with Whova. Our gamifications enhance your event engagement, all for very little work on your end. For example, thousands of events use our highly popular photo and caption contests, and all it takes to set it up is enabling the feature and describing your prize. Similarly, another popular Whova gamification feature, the leaderboard contest, boosts participation in discussions, surveys and polls, all while needing minimal management from the organizer. And our most recent gamification release is our icebreaker gamification, already used by hundreds of events. This feature allows organizers to customize icebreaker questions to warm attendee engagement before the event starts. 

Now, Whova introduces our 5th event gamification: a trivia game with customizable questions. This has all the engagement of a trivia contest with the chance to personalize it to your event. Setup can be as simple as selecting from our question bank or as creative as writing your own questions. For instant personalization, you can also use our AI question generator – just input details about your event for relevant questions. With this newest release, create a fun and engaging experience for your attendees that leaves the mark of a great event.

With Whova, elevating the attendee experience has never been easier. 


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Add competition to your event!

Whova’s trivia gamification is just as simple as most trivia games – if someone answers the most questions right, they can win your offered prize. With this familiar baseline, you can avoid intimidating learning curves and get more attendees playing. In case your attendees do have trouble understanding the game, Whova will still display your rules for you. These are easy to check, either when attendees open the game or when they click “Rules” at any point in their playing.


Whether attendees play from the mobile app or from the web app, they’ll instantly have a clear picture of the rules and the prize for your trivia game.


In the organizer dashboard, you can easily lay out game rules and an exciting prize to spur the competition. To fit into your event day, it’s also easy for you to set a date and time for the contest to start and end.

This trivia game is also accessible to a variety of attendee types. For instance, your attendees can play from either the mobile app or the web app, which opens up your game to even more players, no matter where they are during the event. Being an asynchronous game, more attendees can join when it’s most convenient for them, increasing participation.

Set up in less than 15 minutes!

Creating questions for your own trivia game can take 8-10 hours of time and brainwork, but Whova’s here to speed that up. With our question generator, create instant, personalized questions (and their possible answers)! Just enter basic details about your event and theme, as well as if you’d like a multiple choice or true/false format. Then we’ll give you several question options – and their answers – ready-made for you to select which ones you want to include.


Tell our question generator what you want and then select your perfect questions – without having to think them up yourself!


For more choices and inspiration for a variety of events, you can use classic trivia questions from Whova’s question bank. Our trivia categories include “general trivia,” “pop culture trivia” and “our organization/company trivia,” so you can tailor our trivia options to fit your event vision.

And for more control – write your own questions and designated answers from scratch.  You even have the ability to give the question a fun twist by adding your own images!

No matter how you create your questions, you can always edit them. You know exactly what your event needs, so we let you control the ultimate end game. Once you’re satisfied with your questions, all you need to do is add your prize information!


When you’re crafting your questions, you have total control of the answer options, the right answer, to add a picture, and more!


Instead of having to hire a dedicated trivia-writing company or spend hours of mental and creative work, Whova lets you quickly create relevant and engaging questions.

Bring your attendees together along shared expertise

With the option to customize your questions, you can get creative and even personalize the questions to your event. A personalized trivia game can welcome in more attendees, and this sense of belonging is major for attendee connection and satisfaction.


Possible quiz themes include:

  1. The company
  2. Event specific topics
  3. Attendees’ generational nostalgia
  4. Pop culture


Whova will suggest popular quiz themes to help you set up an engaging event, but, once you tap into your creativity, the options are endless. 


An engaging game for attendees

With intuitive rules and simple question styles, attendees can participate in your trivia game effortlessly. They take the questions one at a time in an easy-to-read layout, and we’ll show them fun animations after each answer.


Attendees can answer questions one at a time and check their progress throughout the game. When no one is lost, more people can have fun playing!


The game builds suspense by hiding the correct answers as well. When one attendee finishes all their questions, they can see their overall score and place in the leaderboard. However, they have to wait even longer to see the correct answers – everyone will find out at once at the close of the game. This reduces cheating and gives attendees a longer, more engaging experience.


We track the points – you choose the winner

When you run your trivia, you don’t have to worry about managing small details live on event day. Whova will track the scoreboard for you, so you can choose your winner with confidence. You can select that winner right in the dashboard, and we’ll automatically rank contestants based on who scored the most points and completed the game the fastest.

We also let your top scorers post their success to social media, publicizing your event. Other attendees can post as well, just to celebrate their completion, and this allows for consistent buzz about your event’s fun engagement.

After the game, attendees will be able to see the winners, check their ranking and post about their victory.

Attendee connections have never been easier!

With this new gamification, you can bring your whole conference together around fun trivia – that can even be personalized to your event! We offer simple rules, inclusive questions and flexibility for ways to join, so more attendees can get in on the competition. On your end, as an organizer, you’ll increase attendee engagement, especially in event-related conversations, with little work on your part. 

Make gamification easy to set up and more engaging to play with Whova’s Trivia gamification feature! To learn more about how Whova can help you engage your event, sign up today for a free demo.

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