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The rise of social media platforms like TikTok has put video at the front of everyone’s minds. It’s a powerful tool for creating community, making memories, and connecting us with one another. You want your attendees to experience all of this at your event, but how?

Pictures are great for capturing and sharing moments, and attendees love sharing them. But, some memories deserve more. Your attendees know that, you know that, and we know that.

With Whova’s new Video Sharing Feature, you can give your attendees more by letting them record and upload amazing moments from your event.

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Share Standout Moments from Your Event

In-person events are chalk full of incredible moments, all of them worth sharing with others. With Whova’s new Video Sharing Feature, attendees can capture these moments like never before. They can record:

  • Striking speaker sessions, award ceremonies, and insightful tips or talks
  • Awesome event performances by live bands, DJs, or dance groups
  • Individual and group introductions to let attendees get to know each other
  • Sign language introductions for deaf and hard-of-hearing attendees 
  • Fun after-hours hangouts, like meet-ups, dinners or coffee talks 
  • And so much more!

Attendees can record and share exciting videos from your event!

Attendees can record and share videos directly in the Whova app, and only your attendees will be able to access, view, and interact with them. This makes the Video Sharing Feature a great tool for various types of events!

Videos can be up to 60 seconds long, and can be watched on both mobile and desktop. Once shared, they’ll be available in your event’s photo gallery for all attendees to view. They can even be uploaded to Community Board discussions or meet-ups to liven up the conversation! And just like with photos, attendees can like and comment on their favorite videos!

Encouraging Attendee Engagement

Our new Video Sharing Feature is a great way for your attendees to memorialize your event. You’ve worked hard to make a special experience for them, and they deserve to remember it. It also allows them to build community, recording and sharing their favorite memories as they connect with one another.

Take advantage of the power of video and give your attendees a way to capture and remember all of the amazing moments from your event with Whova’s new Video Sharing Feature! Request a free demo today!

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