3 Certifications That Help Elevate Event Planning Careers

3 Certifications That Help Elevate Event Planning Careers

The event planning landscape is competitive, with countless new individuals and agencies getting into the mix each year — and, at the same time, vying to differentiate themselves from the competition. As a result, several industry-specific certification programs...
5 Things #EventProfs Can Do to Relax after The Event is Over

5 Things #EventProfs Can Do to Relax after The Event is Over

Whether you’re running a professional event planning firm, or you’re the go-to event guru in your company, there’s a common thread that ties just about every #EventProf together. It’s no secret that events require an ungodly amount of work, but the...
Working against The Clock to Organize a Conference

Working against The Clock to Organize a Conference

So you’ve been tasked with organizing a conference and time is ebbing away at an alarming rate. It’s still possible to put on a great event, but there are a number of factors you’ll need to consider. The venue Think about what type of venue is appropriate...
How to Use Events to Advance your Career

How to Use Events to Advance your Career

Image courtesy to Joe Ross When using events to build your career, what comes to mind? Career fairs? These shindigs usually entail dressing up in your nicest (aka, most uncomfortable) outfit, and awkwardly stopping by each booth for an impromptu interview with...
How to Start the Conversation at Networking Events

How to Start the Conversation at Networking Events

It is a generally acknowledged truth that wanting to do something and actually doing something are quite different from one another. It’s a fairly easy thing to understand the benefits of forming a network and even easier to want to network with others for your...

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