May 14, 2024

Effective communication is vital for event success. Clear, timely messages to everyone involved – speakers, attendees, exhibitors – keep everyone informed and aligned and address concerns promptly. This builds trust, boosts engagement, and avoids confusion, ultimately leading to a more enjoyable event experience.

In the past, Whova has built handy features to streamline event communication. For example, a whopping 85% of Whova customers leverage Announcements to efficiently and effectively inform their attendees about last-minute updates, schedule and room changes, and even survey reminders. 

Last year, we also released the Message Speakers feature to help you communicate directly with speakers. Hundreds of organizers have used the feature to send media release forms, parking instructions, reminders about presentation materials, and other logistical details. 

Now, we’re taking that one step further and facilitating even better event communication by adding the Message Exhibitors feature to ease communication between organizers and exhibitors. This new enhancement makes sending messages directly to all or subgroups of exhibitors easy without creating a separate mailing list. You can conveniently share details about exhibitor check-in, supplies or rental, send media releases, and more. 

Moreover, in addition to their email inboxes, exhibitors can access all organizer messages in a single place—their Exhibitor Portal—without digging through their email inboxes.

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Easily send or schedule personalized messages to exhibitors

To send messages to your exhibitors, simply go to the “Exhibitor Center” on your Whova Dashboard, then go to the “Message Exhibitor” page. There, you can compose custom messages from scratch, from ready-to-use templates (which we will cover soon), or even by duplicating messages from past events (after you have used this feature, of course). 

Just like many other Whova’s communication tools, you have a great flexibility to specify the recipient of your message — to all exhibitors, the main booth contacts or staff only, specific exhibitor tiers, or even individual exhibitors.

Easily compose a personalized message and send to all or a sub-group of exhibitors

The dashboard allows you to easily save and edit drafts, pre-schedule messages, and see what has already been sent.

Exhibitors receive messages via both email and exhibitor portal

Once a message is sent, the exhibitors will receive an email copy as usual. In addition to that, they can find the message in their secure, dedicated Exhibitor Portal. This centralized location ensures they never miss a beat, keeping them informed and engaged throughout your event lifecycle. 

Exhibitors access messages from organizers in a central, secure place

Ready-to-use templates for commonly used message

Whova’s Exhibitor Messaging empowers you to communicate with exhibitors before, during, and after your event. Here are a few examples of messages that organizers commonly send:

  • Provide details about exhibitor check-in, booth registration, arrival procedures, required documents to bring, and set-up opening hours. 
  • Tell exhibitors where to set up their booth and where sessions, supply pick-up points, and when and where meals are provided.
  • Send media release forms electronically with pre-populated fields to save time and capture all necessary information.
  • Share lead retrieval instructions with clear, step-by-step guides to ensure exhibitors can maximize their lead generation potential.
  • Send personalized invitations with RSVP functionality to INVITE-ONLY events like pre-show receptions, networking breakfasts, after event parties, or industry happy hours. 
  • Explain exhibitor tier benefits, highlighting exclusive perks like increased marketing exposure and premium networking opportunities.

And you guessed it right! We’ve built some commonly used types of messages into templates for you to easily choose from. As always, you can make further edits before sending.

Craft emails in seconds with ready-made templates.

No more mailing lists and buried emails

With this new release, you no longer need mailing lists because you can send messages directly through your Whova Exhibitor Center, which already has your exhibitor list. 

Your messages won’t get lost since your exhibitors have one centralized place (Exhibitor Portal) to view all messages from you. And they’ll know the messages are really from you because the portal is secure, and no spam can get into it. 

Everyone’s life is made easier!

Easy exhibitor communication through Whova

Whova’s new Exhibitor Messaging feature is a game changer for event organizers looking to streamline communication with exhibitors. With the ability to send direct messages, pre-built templates, and centralized messaging in the secure Exhibitor Portal, communication with exhibitors is more efficient and effective than ever.

This feature saves time and ensures exhibitors get all critical updates and announcements. With this enhancement, Whova is making it easier for organizers and exhibitors to connect before, during, and after events. 

If you’re interested in further exploring this feature or the Whova all-in-one event management platform, request a demo today.

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