Whova Released Video Hosting Feature

Whova Released Video Hosting Feature

“Where am I supposed to post all the videos?” The virtual event Ellen has been organizing is getting closer, and it’s time to start uploading pre-recorded sessions. Ellen knows it’s important to virtual event attendees that sessions are available to rewatch, so she...
Whova Made it into the Global Top 100 for 2020!

Whova Made it into the Global Top 100 for 2020!

After having worked from home for almost four weeks amid COVID-19, it feels like everything’s been the same. But today we have something different to share. We received exciting news: Whova made into the Global Top 100 Software Companies in G2’s ranking!...
Double Your Event Survey Response Rate with Whova

Double Your Event Survey Response Rate with Whova

“Only 10% of attendees did our event survey?!” You’re wondering what went wrong. You set up a beautiful web survey, you made sure to keep it short, and sent out three reminder emails. You followed all of the best practices that you had read about on industry blogs....
Whova Deepens Integrations with Other Event Technology Stack

Whova Deepens Integrations with Other Event Technology Stack

Long hours are a common complaint among event managers. In fact, according to EventMB, 30% of event managers state that long hours are their biggest concern. It’s not just that conference planning can be labor-intensive. The behind-the-scenes work such as selling...

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