You sigh as you check the time. It’s taken more than 30 minutes for you to log in to your survey platform, upload your attendee list, and write a couple of questions. At this rate it will take hours to build out all five of your surveys!

Do you want to collect pre-event ideas and valuable post-event feedback from attendees, speakers, and exhibitors at your conference? Mobile surveys within your event app can work like a charm — but only if you ask relevant and easy-to-answer questions. Normally that takes time, experience, and the input of your six other busy team members. But not anymore.

Whova helps you create high-quality event surveys with 9+ sleek templates. Save time by simply selecting the one that is most suitable for your needs and edit as needed. Collect more feedback from attendees by allowing them to access your survey either on their event app or through a web link. You can monitor the real-time stats and send attendees reminders — all on the event management software where you set up your event app, event website, and social media posts.

Create Surveys with Stress-Free Templates

Is there anything worse than staring at a blank screen and trying to find inspiration when you have a long list of tasks to organize for your event?

With Whova, you can create surveys from scratch, but you don’t have to. You can use our convenient survey templates, which have been specifically designed with multiple event types and organizer needs in mind. We currently offer 9 templates for conferences, academic events, and expos, as well as templates for pre-event and post-event surveys, and we’ll be adding more. You can edit all of the event survey questions and choose the most appropriate format for them — from multiple choice and check boxes to written answers and ratings.

If you’ve already organized similar events with Whova, you can also reuse and edit surveys from your past events. This gets you off to a valuable head start.

Enjoy the Flexibility to Choose Who Receives Your Surveys and When

You can choose to send out your surveys to all event participants or just attendees, speakers, sponsors, and exhibitors. What’s more, Whova surveys can be filled out in your event app or through email, making it even easier for your chosen recipients to participate.

After building your surveys on the Whova dashboard, you can set the exact time and date they open and close.

Monitor and Analyze Responses in Real Time

As soon as your surveys open, you can monitor their status in real time on the Whova dashboard.

Gain clear insight into participant responses through charts, graphs, and visuals. For more details, download the results into a spreadsheet and track (anonymous) individual responses. The real-time analytics also show you the number of survey views and where recipients filled out your surveys (through email or in the app). This helps you understand where you can improve for your future event surveys.

Is the response rate looking low? No need to panic! Simply send another reminder to participants with the click of a button in the analytics dashboard.

Get Started Now

Whova is an all-in-one software that allows you to do more in one place — even create and send out surveys.

Our survey feature includes event-specific templates developed from our own experience supporting thousands of events. You can quickly build high-quality surveys, send them to the right people, at the right time, and even check their progress. All surveys can be accessed online or on mobile, helping you collect more responses. So now there’s one less platform you need to keep logging in to and reloading your attendee list!

Request more information to find out how Whova encourages your attendees to participate at your event.

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