August 8, 2024

Successful event planning is all about smooth communication with everyone involved. Whether you’re coordinating with speakers, poster presenters, exhibitors, sponsors, volunteers, or attendees, it can feel extremely taxing. But when you get it right, the rewards are fantastic: better engagement, higher retention rates, and seamless logistics.

Event communication is a key focus and a highly popular feature of Whova’s all-in-one event management platform. It allows organizers to efficiently reach attendees, speakers, exhibitors and sponsors in one place. The popular attendee announcement feature—used in 90% of events—forms the backbone of general communications. And guess what? You can now schedule announcements in the mobile app

But that’s not all. Whova added three specialized messaging tools: the speaker messaging portal, exhibitor messaging tool, and the sponsor messaging portal. Together, these features keep everyone in the loop while saving organizers a ton of time.

Now, we’re taking it a step further with our new artifact presenter messaging. Whether it’s posters, pitches, artwork, galleries, product prototype demos, or other materials, organizers can now send important announcements and instructions directly to these presenters on Whova. 

From set-up instructions to post-event surveys, Whova makes complicated event communication tasks a breeze! 

Send important updates and information to presenters

Whova’s new messaging feature is specifically tailored to enhance communication with artifact (poster, pitches, arts, etc) presenters, ensuring they receive crucial updates and information promptly. This feature allows organizers to send a variety of messages to presenters, including detailed setup instructions for the day of the event, competition guidelines, and rules to ensure a smooth and well-organized presentation. 

Introducing a range of new functionalities, this feature allows organizers to create and send messages from scratch, use templates, or reuse previous messages. Additionally, organizers have the option to send messages immediately or schedule for the future, with the flexibility to choose all presenters or select individuals.

Easily manage drafts, scheduled, and sent emails to keep presenters informed with Whova’s messaging feature.

Organizers can also send customized messages to address unique circumstances or any other necessary communication, making the tool adaptable to different event needs. Additionally, the feature facilitates the gathering of feedback from presenters, allowing organizers to collect valuable insights post-event for future improvements. 

To maintain engagement and acknowledge contributions, organizers can send success metrics and thank-you messages to presenters after an event, expressing gratitude for their participation and highlighting their impact on the event’s success. It’s important to note that organizers can only message presenters up to 90 days after the event’s end date.

This comprehensive communication feature helps streamline the process, ensuring artifact presenters are well-informed and engaged throughout the event.

Streamline communication with easy-to-use templates

Whova further enhances efficiency with built-in templates that organizers can utilize for common messages. These templates simplify communication by providing a structured format for announcements, reminders, and follow-ups. Organizers can customize these templates to suit specific needs, saving time and ensuring consistency in messaging.

Some examples of templates organizers can use include: 

  • Set-up instructions: Provide clear, step-by-step guidelines to get everything ready (because no one likes technical hiccups).
  • Thank you for participating: Express appreciation for their involvement and mention that more information will follow.
  • Agree to terms: Share the code of conduct or media release forms.
  • Share with your network: Encourage sharing to increase registrants, including a registration link.
  • Competition information: Send details on when judges will be visiting, who the judges are, the evaluation process, and when decisions will be made.

Choose from a variety of templates to communicate with presenters, ensuring they receive the right information at the right time.

Intuitive communication with artifact presenters through Whova

Whova’s new artifact presenter messaging feature centralizes all event communication within the Whova Event Management System (EMS), eliminating the need for separate tools and fragmented messaging. Organizers can manage communications with artifact presenters effortlessly, ensuring nothing escapes their notice.

With Whova, there’s no need to create mailing lists or type individual messages; the intuitive interface allows for seamless communication with artifact presenters, speakers, attendees, and other stakeholders. This streamlined approach lets organizers concentrate on creating amazing events instead of getting bogged down by logistics.

If you’re interested in learning more about this feature or the Whova all-in-one event management platform, request a demo today.

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