How to Best Network using the Whova App at Events

How to Best Network using the Whova App at Events

So your event is around the corner and you have an event app on hand. You’ve checked out all the event schedules, and maps, and have even created a personalized agenda for yourself. But going to panels and listening to speakers is not the only reason...
Think Networking at ThinkChicago with Whova

Think Networking at ThinkChicago with Whova

Three days, 125 universities, and one massive music festival later, the ThinkChicago:Lollapalooza 2014 event came to a stunning conclusion. For those of you who didn’t catch wind of this, from July 31st to August 3rd of this year, Chicago’s Mayor Rahm Emanuel...
Women Entrepreneurs on the Rise: Whova Supported WIIW Summit

Women Entrepreneurs on the Rise: Whova Supported WIIW Summit

On July 18th and 19th, some of America’s most successful entrepreneurs, investors, and top notch industry leaders gathered in San Diego to speak in the inaugural Women Investing In Women Summit. The WIIW Summit is an event that brings together a wide spectrum of...
How to Access Your Mobile Event Brochure without Internet

How to Access Your Mobile Event Brochure without Internet

In this day and age, more and more people find themselves at the mercy of wifi when accessing content on certain apps. The problem is, not all places are created equally in terms of wifi availability. Most public areas, with the exception of certain coffee shops, will...
A Simple Way to Manage a Hectic Agenda at Your Conference

A Simple Way to Manage a Hectic Agenda at Your Conference

Most of the time, large-scale conferences contain multi-day, multi-track program schedules that can be quite difficult to work with. Sieving through these program schedules for specific panels or workshops to attend can quickly turn into one colossal nightmare. To...
Whova Goes to Korea for WWW2014

Whova Goes to Korea for WWW2014

We are pleased to announce that Whova is going overseas to support the International World Wide Web Conference! For those of you not familiar with the name, the International World Wide Web Conference – commonly known as WWW – conference is an international conference...

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