Case Studies

See how Whova took events to the next level

Trusted by many

L'Oreal Open Manufacturing America Quality Day

L’Oréal gathered manufacturers from many countries, such as America, China, and Korea, for training and fostering partnership.


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Harvard Kennedy School Reunion

Connected over a thousand alumni across different graduating classes with unique strategies.


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Mastercard Foundation EdTech Conference 2024

The Mastercard Foundation EdTech Conference partnered with Whova to manage a successful in-person event with high engagement.


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Air Force Eastern Regional Environmental Restoration Summit

Air Force Civil Engineering Center partnered with Whova for their first virtual event with governments from 20+ states.


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United Nations Data Forum

Whova supported United Nations for an international hybrid event in Switzerland that connects thousands of data scientists globally.


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NFL Flag Summit

Brought together NFL FLAG leagues from across the country with 50 speakers and tons of in-person activities.


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California Entrepreneurship Educators Conference

A highly successful conference with 1,000 attendees that transitioned to virtual in only 5 days.


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The National Conference on Ending Homelessness

The National Conference on Ending Homelessness aims to facilitate discussions in the housing field.


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UK & Ireland Fuel Distribution Expo and Future Fuels

A leading cross-nation expo with 250+ tiered exhibitor leads and 300,000+ sponsor impressions.


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Oregon Women Veterans Conference

Oregon Department of Veterans’ Affairs partnered with Whova for the state’s largest gathering of women veterans.


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Brown University and Migraine Association Migraine Symposium

Brought together leading experts from Brown University and across the healthcare field.


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NCSA & Nasdaq Cyber-Security Summit

Experts such as Information Security Officer of Bank of America, Nasdaq Senior Security Director of Information spoke at the summit.


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International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence

IJCAI hosted over 2,000 attendees in a conference about AI and its implications for our future.


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10th Submarine Institute of Australia Conference

An early hybrid event with a unique strategy for running sessions and securing sponsor visibility.


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Women's Business Conference, Indianapolis

Brought together leading businesswomen and secured major benefits for sponsors.


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California Parent-Teacher Association Annual Convention

The California PTA managed 100s of speakers and leveraged the Artifact Center to host their Reflections contest.


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Canadian Association for University Continuing Education

5 concurrent sessions, different sessions for different attendees, speed networking, and more.


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PBS NewsHour SRL Academy

PBS NewsHour successfully fought screen fatigue with Whova’s engagement tools such as online Q&A, social wall, polling, and more.


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Alberta Health Services i4 Conference

Attendees joined from around the world to connect and earn Continuing Education credits.


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Asia Pacific Advance Network Annual Conference

Organized 200+ speakers in the 5-day conference with 50+ sessions and workshops.


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Space Sector Market Conference

The hybrid conference held in MIT attracted space professionals such as NASA senior advisors, director in US Space Command, and MIT professors.


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GameSoundCon doubled attendance at their highly successful three-day event.


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Department of Health Adult Protective Services Conference

Wisconsin’s Department of Health Services brought in speakers from the DHS, the Department of Justice, and more.


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American Marketing Association Winter Academic Conference

Supported over 60 virtual poster presentations and generated over 380,000 sponsor impressions.


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Viva Las Vegas Rockability Weekend

The 4-day musical festival attracted 5,000 music lovers with 500+ photos shared and 1 million+ sponsor impressions.


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Delft International Conference on Sociohydrology

The hybrid event connected hundreds of researchers from across Europe


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Exos Fitness Internal Virtual Continuous Improvement Mini Summit

The mini summit’s organizers could easily to track attendance and distribute training credits.


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New York Science Communications Conference

The conference brought together top researchers from Cornell, Binghamton, Syracuse, and more.


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Future Business Leaders of America National Leadership Conference

Over 10,000 students connected during the highly engaging virtual event.


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Defeat Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Canadian Conference

Doctors, patients, advocates, and more came together in the fight against Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy.


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Colorado Libraries for Early Literacy

The conference managed over 50 speakers across the US and distributed CE credits for attendees.


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The hybrid event brought speakers and attendees from around the world to share ideas.


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Mindfulness for Healthcare Summit

Mindful attracted over 10,000 attendees worldwide to their online summit with leading mindfulness speakers and teachers.


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Council of Colleges of Arts & Sciences Annual Meeting

The event brought deans of the arts and sciences together to network and collaborate.


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University of British Columbia Virtual Solutions for Substance Use Care Conference

Generated thousands of engagement actions and sold hundreds of tickets through Whova.


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Women Data Leader's Global Summit

CDO magazine held the summit that had 90 female leading women data experts speakers to talk about leadership and innovation.


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Information Systems Security Association Peak Cyber Symposium

ISSA brought 500+ cybersecurity experts in person to their annual summit using Whova.


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Innovate, Network, Create INCmty Festival and Career Fair

Generated over a million sponsor impressions and connected employers with job seekers through a virtual career fair.


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Focus Conference by Wisconsin Department of Health Services

The Department of Health Services brought healthcare workers together from across the United States.


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Conference on Linguistics 33@ UChicago

The conference gathered linguistics experts from all over the world with online presentations.


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University Hospitals Annual Cardiovascular Disease Update

University Hospitals held their annual meeting to provide physicians with continuing medical education credits.


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North Carolina Association for Public Charter Schools

Since 2019, NCAPCS used Whova to create smooth and effective communication.


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Western Intergovernmental Child Support Training Conference

The organization linked state and federal officials from across the United States in the conference.


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The 4th Stat4Onc Annual Symposium

Supported by 4 prestigious universities including Stanford University, the Stat4Onc event connected attendees around the world.


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Podfest Global Summit

The world’s largest event for podcasters broke a Guinness World Record and attracted over 5,000 attendees worldwide.


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National Sales Conference, UK

The sales conference won Whova’s proficiency award by effectively awarding credits and connecting top industry professionals.


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Office of Business Opportunity Meet the Buyer Procurement Forum

Achieved high ROI for both sponsors and exhibitors at a virtual event.


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Nigerian Bar Association Annual General Conference

Generated over a million sponsor impressions and over 34,000 messages through the app.


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NAAMLP Conference by Nevada Division of Minerals

Within 2 weeks, the conference pivoted online with 100 speakers from states government and CEOs and directors from industry.


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U.S. Department of Energy Collegiate Wind Competition

Connected undergraduates for a competition with teams, judges, and other participants.


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Indiana Chamber of Commerce Workforce Summit

The Indiana Chamber of Commerce connected business owners and generated over 17,000 sponsor impressions.


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Meeting of the European Public Choice Society

A hybrid event in Portugal that connected attendees across Europe through almost 80 sessions.


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London International Youth Science Forum

A two-week hybrid research conference with 50+ in-app poster presentations and 1000s of engagement actions.


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Non-profit Innovation & Optimization Summit and the Fundraising Factory

NIO successfully held their hybrid fundraising event that engaged over 2,000 participants.


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Australia Air Transport World Conference

The biggest aviation conference in Australia hosted 300+ sessions in 4 days, reaching over 90% app adoption.


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Society for Personality and Social Psychology Annual Convention

Over 4,700 psychologists joined worldwide to network and share research at the convention.


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Australia National University Career Connect

Australia National University partnered with Whova for their career fair with nearly 200 job openings and 1000+ attendees.


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World System Builder Financial Education

Connected over 40,000 attendees with exhibitors, generating over 7,000 leads.


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The Mast Cell Disease Society National Conference

The event engaged in-person and remote audiences and generated over 800,000 sponsor impressions.


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National Association for Interpretation National Conference

Hybrid event with thousands of messages exchanged and high app adoption.


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Northwest Regional Internet Crimes Against Children Conference

Protected session and attendee content for a high-security event.


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Purdue University Pest Management Conference

Pest management professionals joined the Purdue University event to earn CEU and CCH credits.


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Kalispel Leadership Conference

Kalispel Leadership Academy connected student leaders, with over 2,800 messages exchanged.


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Society for Human Resource Management Georgia Conf & Expo

SHRM utilized the app to bring tons of engagement and exposure to their sponsors and exhibitors.


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Lincolnshire, UK County Council Climate Summit

The UK local government held the in-person conference for discussions with citizens and business officials.


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Southeast Regional Institute on Deafness

The hybrid training conference connected state coordinators with advocates for the Deaf and hard of hearing.


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Australian Historical Association Conference

The organizers managed over 400 speakers with Whova’s speaker center, holding the most interactive and smooth event for the association.


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Coalition of Minority Professional Engineering Societies Professional Development Conference

Generated over 50,000 sponsor impressions with high app approval.


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Women in CyberSecurity Annual Conference

Besides gathering all the women experts, the event also empowered companies to post 150+ jobs!


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Alaska Library Association Conference

The Alaskan Library Association achieved high sponsor ROI, with over 73,800 sponsor impressions.


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Sepsis Alliance Summit

Sepsis alliance used Whova to assure all streamings from the doctors are smooth, and sold over 4,000 tickets with Whova.


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SIOPSA Conference: Re-humanising Work

Successful conference and expo with thousands of engagement actions and a 95% app download rate.


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African Women in Media

Brought together representatives from over 30 countries for an engaging conference.


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15th International Radiation Physics Symposium, Malaysia

The event used the Artifact Center to support 90+ digital posters and generated 450,000+ sponsor impressions.


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Society for Conservation Biology IMCC6

Annual science conference with over 10,000 messages and one million sponsor impressions.


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International Servant Leader Summit

The leadership conference utilized Whova to connect all the non tech-savvy attendees, making hundreds of discussion topics in the app.


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PSImetals UserGroup and Release Days

Combined their user and employee events into one highly engaging hybrid conference.


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Sigma Lambda Gamma National Sorority Treat-Con

TreatCon gathered their association members, alumnus, leadership to the highly engaging event with 18,000+ posts.


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Annual Meeting of the Physical Society of Taiwan

A leading research university in Taiwan connected over 2,000 attendees and managed the information for over 800 posters.


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PaPSC Annual Conference

Whova supported the 22-day gathering where attendees hosted 20+ meetups with hundreds of photos shared.


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Civil Engineering & Sustainable Development Goals in Higher Education

The successful event offered training credits as a unique prize, using Whova’s gamification features.


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International Union for Conservation of Nature Global Youth Summit

The International union hosted their 2-week summit of more than 10,000 attendees with Whova.


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Trinity Partners Fall Trip

Trinity Partners LLC invited their staff and clients to their fall trip and had a great time connecting with each other and relaxing.


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Northern Colorado Writers Conference

Hundreds of writers came to the online conference for tens of workshops and breakout sessions.


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Philippine Chemistry Congress

The largest gatherings of the Philippine chemistry community used Whova and got 20K+ posts and 1.2K+ photos


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International Woman Leadership Conference

Attendees gathered in Dubai this year, both in-person and virtually, to connect with one another and share ideas.


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9th Annual USC Multi-Disciplinary Breast Cancer Symposium

Attendees joined the USC Keck School of Medicine event to earn continuing medical education (CME) credits.


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